Lecture Series: Understanding Morality
A series of 26 lectures on the most central questions in moral philosophy. The course includes topics in
normative ethics and metaethics, as well as questions in practical ethics including the ethics of abortion, eating
animals, and duties regarding global poverty.
Lecture Series: Critical Thinking
A series of 26 lectures aiming to teach first year students the fundamental skills
of critical thinking. This includes basic logic and argument forms, natural deduction, fallacies and
cognitive biases, and an introduction to ethical reasoning.
Lecture Series: Key Topics in Animal Ethics
In these lectures we will look at four key topics in animal ethics: speciesism, moral status, the ethics of eating animals, and the problem of wild animal suffering. The lectures are open to all, but they are aimed at undergraduates taking exams in Ethics or Practical Ethics. No prior knowledge of animal ethics is expected, though some basic familiarity with moral philosophy will be assumed.
Lecture 1 [slides][handout]: What’s wrong with speciesism? This lecture introduces the concept of speciesism. We will consider Singer’s argument that speciesism is a prejudice akin to racism and sexism because it violates the principle of equal consideration of interests, and we will consider some objections.
Lecture 2 [slides]: Personhood and moral status. In this lecture we investigate whether moral status comes in degrees, and, in particular, whether the cognitive capacities associated with personhood grant their possessors higher moral status than other animals. We will consider Kagan’s arguments against ‘Unitarianism’ (the view that moral status is uniform) and his claims that we aren’t speciesists but ‘modal personists’.
Lecture 3 [slides][handout]: The ethics of eating animals. In this lecture we will investigate the moral case for a form of ‘humane omnivorism’. We will ask if it is possible to benefit animals by bringing them into existence as part of such a practice, and if we have moral reason to do so.
Lecture 4 [slides][handout]: Wild animal ethics. In this lecture I will introduce the problem of wild animal suffering. We will examine the cases for and against beneficent intervention in nature to improve the lives of wild animals, paying special attention to the problem of predation.
Intro to Moral Philosophy
Animal Ethics
Bitesize Ethics - Guest Lecturer:
The Most Natural Thing in the World - The Ethics of Creating People
The Case for Animal Inclusive Longtermism
Intro to Wild Animal Ethics. I argue that the scale and severity of the suffering endured by wild animals generates a duty for human beings to help them.
Philosophical Revolutions (a class on the origin and early development of analytic philosophy, pragmatism, and phenomenology)
The Philosophies of Wittgenstein